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Government-style local government investment pool 

Prime-style local government investment pool 

Enhanced cash local government investment pool 

Current and historical rate information

A comprehensive introduction to the different COLOTRUST portfolios 
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Answers to commonly asked questions about COLOTRUST

Getting started is easy; join today and start earning tomorrow!

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COLOTRUST Investment Options


COLOTRUST is a statutory trust organized and existing under the laws of the state of Colorado and is intended solely for the use of Colorado local governments; the Trust was created on January 1, 1985, by an Indenture of Trust in accordance with the Pooling Act. COLOTRUST is designed to provide local governments with a convenient method for investing in high-quality, short- to medium-term securities carefully chosen to provide for safety and liquidity while still prioritizing interest earnings. 

An elected Board of Trustees by the fund’s Participants is responsible for overseeing the management of COLOTRUST including establishing operating standards and policies. Public Trust Advisors serves as the investment advisor and administrator. COLOTRUST is the largest local government investment pool in Colorado.

Who Can Participate?

Any county, city, town, school district, special district, or other political subdivision of the state, or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, or any political or public corporation of the state (local government) is authorized to pool any moneys in the treasury of such local government which are not required to be disbursed, with the same such moneys in the treasury of any other local government in order to take advantage of short-term investments and prioritize net interest earnings.

Common FAQs

COLOTRUST invests solely in securities that are permitted pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes. The current COLOTRUST Investment Policies are available here.

There is no minimum investment amount for any of the COLOTRUST products. 

No. There is no limit to the number of subaccounts a Participant may have; Participants may invest in any or all of the COLOTRUST portfolios.  

New local governments looking to invest in any of the COLOTRUST portfolios will first need to pass a resolution authorizing participation in COLOTRUST; a model resolution is provided for your convenience in the COLOTRUST Registration Packet. Click here for more information. 

COLOTRUST Product Suite

COLOTRUST can provide your local government with a comprehensive, professionally managed approach to investing your funds. COLOTRUST currently offers three investment options:  




Portfolio Type 
Enhanced Cash
Short-term liquidity
Short-term liquidity
Intermediate liquidity

Rated by S&P Global Ratings*

‘AAAm’ Rated by S&P Global Ratings* 

‘AAAf/S1’ Rated by FitchRatings**



Minimum Investment 
Online Reporting 
Transaction confirms, monthly & on-demand statements
Transaction confirms, monthly & on-demand statements
Transaction confirms, monthly & on-demand statements

As Needed

Dividend Rate 
Apply Daily 

Apply Daily 

Accrue Daily 


≤ 60 Days

≤ 60 Days

> 60 Days

Net Asset Value (NAV)

Stable $1.00 per share  

Stable $1.00 per share 

Variable $10.00 per share 

Learn More About Each of Our Portfolios

Contact an Investment Professional with Your Questions

Senior Director, Investment Services 

(720) 217-9599

Director, Investment Services 

(936) 526-9249

*COLOTRUST PRIME and PLUS+ are rated ‘AAAm’ by S&P Global Ratings. A ‘AAAm’ rating by S&P Global Ratings is obtained after S&P evaluates a number of factors including credit quality, market price exposure, and management. For a full description on rating methodology, please visit **
COLOTRUST EDGE is rated ‘AAAf/S1’ by FitchRatings. The ‘AAAf’ rating is Fitch’s opinion on the overall credit profile within a fixed-income fund/portfolio and indicates the highest underlying credit quality of the pool’s investments. The ‘S1’ volatility rating is Fitch’s opinion on the relative sensitivity of a portfolio’s total return and/or net asset value to assumed changes in credit spreads and interest rates. The ‘S1’ volatility rating indicates that the fund possesses a low sensitivity to market risks. For a full description on rating methodology, please visit Ratings are subject to change and do not remove credit risk.  

COLOTRUST is not a bank. An investment in COLOTRUST is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although COLOTRUST PRIME  and COLOTRUST PLUS+  seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, COLOTRUST cannot guarantee they will do so. Please review the COLOTRUST Information Statement(s) located in the Document Center before investing. Many factors affect performance including changes in market conditions and interest rates and in response to other economic, political, or financial developments. Investment involves risk including the possible loss of principal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be achieved. For risks associated with investing in a prime-style, government-style and enhanced cash-style local government investment pools, please click here. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any financial and/or investment decision may incur losses.